Online Study and Intensive Practice – Part One

NOTE: All Classes are recorded and will be available

for review for two months after the conclusion of the course.




  • Classes are scheduled for Saturdays every two weeks. Due to Khen Rinpoche’s schedule (he will be Nepal, Malaysia, Taiwan and perhaps other locations) dates and times may change. Students will be notified as soon as we know where he will be, and therefore when the course will be broadcasted. Remember classes will be available online for students’ study and review.
  • For practice questions, students must submit their questions to [email protected]. We will sort through these questions and submit some of the most pertinent ones to Khen Rinpoche for Q and A sessions.
  • There will be a WhatsApp group established for this course.
  • Any questions regarding the course, problems registering et cetera, please send them to [email protected].

OVERVIEW: There are six, one and half hour practice and study classes guided by Gyalten Khen Rinpoche with additional time for submitted practice Questions and Answer(s) sessions.

Also, there will be an ongoing online support group session (via WhatsApp or another service).

These classes and in-between practice sessions are designed for student-practitioners to gain an in-depth bodymind understanding of the materials. In other words, these classes are meant to be predominately experiential in nature.

This is Part One, of a Six-Part Series that will cover the entirety of the Six Yogas.

PREREQUISITES: A student/practitioner must have attended at least one Six Yogas of Naropa retreat given by H. E. Chöden Rinpoche or Gyalten Khen Rinpoche or a Vajrayogini retreat given by either teacher. It is assumed that all student-practitioners have received a Highest Yoga Tantra Empowerment at least one time and it is preferable that each have received a Highest Yoga Tantra Empowerment more than once. Because the Six Yogas of Naropa is a (completion stage practice) based on an anuttarayoga mother tantra, it is assumed that attendees will have a thorough grounding in Lam-rim with a solid meditation practice in both samatha and vipassana.

It is also assumed that all attendees have a solid and comprehensive understanding of the foundational theories and practices of Tibetan Buddhism. AVI will try to provide foundational materials on the Buddhist path to help ensure each attendee is prepared to advance in the Six Yogas practices. Note, many advance student-practitioners review these materials throughout their lifetimes, because although foundational they are pivotal in maintaining the proper motivation and understanding of the Buddhist path to awakening. These materials include, but are not limited to:

  • The Four Noble Truths
  • The Four Thoughts that Turn the Mind
  • Eight Worldly Concerns
  • Refuge
  • Four Immeasurables
  • Bodhichitta – Aspiring and Engaged
  • Six Perfections
  • Correct View Emptiness – Analytical and Experiential

Awakening Vajra International will try to provide the appropriate materials or supply titles to materials that are available to support each attendee’s practice. Again, the main emphasis of this online course is to give student-practitioners the tools to be or become proper vessels for the teachings, and thereby achieve the results, in time, of the Six Yogas of Naropa.

Tentative Six Yogas Teachings and Practices (Part One)

Class One:

  • Setting the proper attitude for listening to and practicing the teachings
  • Explanation of generation and completion stages
  • Vajrasattva mantra and practice
  • Deity yoga
  • Guru yoga

Class Two (generation stage):

  • Bringing the three kayas onto the path
  • Eight-step dissolution
  • Generating yourself as a deity of your choice

Class Three (completion stage):

  • Introduction to completion stage practice
  • Explanation of the winds
  • Hollow body
  • Nine-point breathing
  • Vase breathing yoga
  • Five yogic exercises

Class Four (completion stage):

  • Explanation and visualization of the subtle body
  • Visualizing the channels and chakras
  • Clearing the channels and chakras
  • Placing the seed syllables on the chakras
  • Seed syllable meditation

Class Five (completion stage):

  • Beginning tummo practice
  • Igniting the inner fire
  • Fanning the inner fire
  • Blazing and dripping
  • Extraordinary blazing and dripping

Class Six (completion stage):

  • Four joys
  • Choosing and integrating into a daily practice